Main Kejar-Kejar

I have to admit that I'm not very good at chasing other people. Especially in the context of work. My ethics application has been dragging on for a long time now. The last piece of task related to the application was getting the NHS *authorisation* (before the proposal is submitted for *application*). The authorising person promised two weeks ago to give me a response on the authorisation. But nothing came up so far. Patrick intervened by sending an email to that person. If no answer is received by tomorrow, he will ring up that person.

I don't know why I'm not good at chasing people. Perhaps I don't want to feel like I'm telling people how to do their work. My set of assumptions about people regarding work issues are closer to Theory Y of leadership. I let people do their own job, believing that they will do it out of their inherent motivation. 

Perhaps, I should try out Theory X thinking more often. 
