Cari Kerja

There are loads of sign of the worsening world economy. Apparently, Malaysia is not spared despite what some politicians (mis)said. One sign that was publicised widely is the severe unemployment in Kedah. There was ONE opening for a job in a hilly area. The previous job holder quit due to work-related stress. Despite the severity of the stress, there are still a lot of people clamoring to get the job. How desperate they must be.

As of the official deadline of job application, there were 15 people offering themselves for the job. They have until 7th April to impress their prospective bosses. I'm sure now they're making rounds for interviews. Or, perhaps, behaving like a peacock, showing off their plumage to distract from their flaws (e.g. the fact that they can't fly is one big flaw)

I like to see these candidates actually being INTERVIEWED by the people who are going to employ them. They should be asked why they think they are qualified for the job. Why should they be trusted with the job? What are their KPI's? Let the bosses dictate the interviewing process. Let the bosses grill them so that an informed-decision can be made. Don't be satisfied with 'advertisements' or PR exercises that the candidates put on show. Hey, if they want the job, they must be prepared to listen to the people's questions and concerns.

Do you think they'd want to come to a 'Temuduga Perdana' arranged by the people?
