Kabus pagi

Last week, two of the days started with heavy fog. One of them, the fog was so heavy that visibility was sharply reduced. It is on this morning that I recorded these pictures. In the quiet and chilly morning, the air was thick. It was scary and magical at the same time. It was a fantastic time to take a walk.


subhanallah..kalau di uk, dengan kabus nya...rindu suasana time musim sejuk (~.~)....tp skrg ni...di sini...dengan ribut pasir nya...ya Rabbi...bila berada tgh ribut pasir tu...teringat cerita ttg pertolongan yg Allah berikan pd kaum muslimin...
nurulshima said…
kabus sangat cantik...kat gomabk bleh tgk kabus in d morning je.. huhu, maksudnye takleh tido lepas subuh...huhu