11 Safar

Yesterday was my birthday, according to the Hijrah calendar. So, I'm 35 years old already.

The present that I got for myself was submitting an article to the journal Cognition, Techonology and Work. That's one journal, not three. I used the online submission. It was a bit tedious, but I expect it would hasten the processing of manuscripts. Hopefully, by around this time next year, I will the a (follow up) present of my article being published. Amin.


Wah, congrats on submitting the journal. Not easy kan? I wish you all the best! Happy birthday. :-)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday sir! May u always be blessed :)
Telipuk Kuala said…
How come you're already 35??? Ker memang Aku yang dok perasan muda setahun...kikiki...
Happy belated bday.. x perasan la bday neighbour, I knew it's in february..