Internet troll

Trolling has been described as an antisocial behavior, which is part of counterproductive online behavior.
One study published in 2014 concluded that ".. cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism." 
Ask ourself what are the main drivers of our online behavior? Do we show our sadistic tendency when we interact with other people on social media? Do we write posts on FB and WA group based on the principles of truth and sabar?

Elok kita ingatkan diri dengan surah al-asr bila hendak menulis di media sosial dengan niat berdakwah.
Kalau tidak sabar, dan tidak pula dengan maklumat yang sahih, kemungkinan kita akan berada dalan kerugian.
Rugi masa
Rugi kredibiliti
Rugi emosi
Rugi kesihatan piskologikal
