An Unnecessary Scare

When I woke up the other day, I had a feeling that something was not right. It was like a dark cloud hanging over me, just beyond my reach. And while preparing to go to my morning job, it suddenly dawned on me that I have a meeting scheduled for YESTERDAY. OMG! OMG! Did I missed the meeting? Sympathetic nervous system kicked in.

I spent the whole morning fretting over the thought. Was the meeting yesterday or today? Is it even this month? How irresponsible of me! It was a meeting set up by my SV. It is important for my PhD. If I missed it...... I began to create excuses and reasons for missing the meeting. But they sounded pathetic to even myself. I just could not think why I would have missed the meeting. 

So, for about 3 hours or so, I dreaded having to face my SV. The dark cloud had turned into a thunderstorm, trying to swallow me into a vortex of darkness  (aiyoo.... pardon the dramatic exaggeration). But I was really scared. One thing that lightened up my horizon was the thought that I had something else scheduled for October. So, may be I did confuse the dates. At last, I resigned to the fact that I can't undo what had happened. So what? If I had missed it, it's not the end of the world. I can make other arrangements to achieve the meeting's objectives. 

When I ambled to my office desk later at around 10:00, I grabbed my year planner. There, a small note about the meeting was pencilled in: it was TODAY. Sigh. Whew. What a relief. 
