Mirror Mirror Will You Talk?

What if you could look at yourself in the mirror?

Ok, may be that was not a profound question worthy of an answer. After all, people DO look at themselves in a mirror, almost everyday. Unless you are living a mirror-deprived existence. So, let me ask this question. “What if you can talk to a mirror?” I’m not sure this is a more profound question worthy of your penny for a thought. It is interesting for me to consider this question. Not that I have a latent tendency to be like Snow White’s step mother, but rather the question lends itself as an introduction to this entry.

If I found one – a talking mirror, not the step mother – I would not ask “who is the fairest of them all.” I know the answer is not me. You see, I have not been using any whitening cream. Nay, I will be more interested to explore the inner beauty. And the inner ugly.

At first, perhaps I’d be elated. Then scared. Elated because I am able to see myself in others. Scared because of the same reason. You see, a faithful mirror will tell you who you are, without pretense. You’d be able to see how you think. How you treat people. How you act in a given situation. How objective and subjective you can be.

Then awed. Then humbled. Awed for the simple reason that I’ve found my clone. Humbled because I can finally see myself as others see me. But awe and humility will only be felt if you learn to accept yourself. Learn how to not wince when you see a hideous side of you that you have conveniently neglected to observe previously. Learn how to not feel proud when you see what makes people attracted to you.

What would you do if you find your own talking mirror?


nao said…
banyak yg akan kita belajar tentang diri sendiri...kekurangan,kelebihan....

yg pasti...menerima sesuatu yg manis amat mudah, sebaliknya, yg pahit itu mampukah kita menerimanya?
Itulah...kena belajar menerima yg pahit dan yg manis... barulah boleh menerima diri sendiri sepenuhnya. Tak perlu lagi berdusta kepada diri sendiri.
Anonymous said…
you seem to be searching for something deep within your soul. have you found it? i am too ...
I'm finding acceptance...from other people, and from myself. Agaknya...
Anonymous said…
Acceptance? From yourself? From those around you? Self-acceptance is such a liberating feeling
CD said…
sumone introduced me to this intriguing entry. life would be beautiful if everyone were honest. yes, no doubt reality bites but like you said, at least, we don't have to live a lie

p/s nak pinjam entry masuk my blog, boleh?
Hi Aledin! Nak pinjam? pinjam le... FOC, sebab tak de copyright pun.
CD said…
terima kasih harris :D