A Better Man

Today I did something that I hope will change my life for the better. I completed writing my PhD proposal!

I sent a copy of the proposal to the head of department. She said she will read it and make some comments. (thanks in advance, sis. Head, ;-) ) I also emailed a copy to my supervisor-to-be. I hope he will take me up as his supervisee.

The joy of completing the proposal is beyond words. I felt tremendous satisfaction, and different shades of happiness. I pray that I will be able to experience this same feeling (or better?) when I complete my PhD thesis in three years time, insyaAllah.

Marwan, this post is a special dedication to you. This is my promise that I will complete my PhD. I want to achieve success so that I can share it with you. (Perhaps this is one of the ways of showing my love to you.) Please pray that I achieve that success.

(guess what song did I play as I wrote this post? Betterman, Robbie Williams)


nao said…
kuiringi doa muga tercapai semua azam...AMIN
Anonymous said…
wahhhh so happy for you, Pak Alang.. good luck!
Anonymous said…

lepas ni kena panggil Doktor Pak Alang ke?
tenkiu..tenkiu. Gelaran Dr tu biarlah diguna oleh org yang selesa menggunanya. Kalau rasa lebih selesa dgn 'Pak Alang' (as it is now), then let it remain at that.
Anonymous said…
Congratulation..congratulation ..
that the first step in achieving PHD, hope your phd will goes smooth as (Pizza Hut Delivery) but not (Permanent Head Damage).....