I'm Just a Guardian

Kekadang, ayah ingin Marwan cepat besar, matang dan boleh berdikari. Adakalanya ayah tak mampu nak memberi perlindungan, perhatian dan tumpuan yang Marwan perlu atau harapkan. I want you grow so that you can take care of yourself. So that you can understand me better.

Kekadang, ayah ingin Marwan tak berubah. Biarlah Marwan manja, comey, dan daddy's son. I like it when you are being a child: innocent, pure, and depending. I treasure your special qualities. And I don't have to feel bad when you do something wrong; because you're still a child. Your smile and they way you say "ok-kay ayah" melt my heart. I like that. Wait.. it's not true. I LOVE that.

Alas, it's not up to me to say that you should grow up or stay young. What's more important is for you to be His good servant. I pray that Allah keeps you on the right and safe path to akhirah.
Love, Ayah.


nao said…
Doa buat ayah dan Marwan. Ameen
Anonymous said…
Doa buat Nao dan yg lain2 juga.