Brief Countdown

A concise version of my countdown.

1. Kiranya Kau Dengar

This is a song that I wrote. And Zairul provided the music that makes it comes alive. Thank you Zairul. (Love you)

2. Seindah Biasa
Those who knows me perhaps are asking: Mana lagu Siti? Well... here sheis. From Prasasti Seni, this is a song that is uplifting, melancholic, and optimistic at the same time. Will you please sing for me, my songbird?

3. If I Let You Go

I heard the song, for the first time in Dundee. Perhaps that was the first time I paid attention to the song. Being sung by a boy band did not diminish the values. The song did change me. I wish there are more songs that talk about what should we do with our feelings, rather than just express our feelings.

4. Jangan Ada Benci

I really like the message in this song. And personally, I have adopted the message. If I'm not meant to be with a person, then let there be no hate. Pergilah engkau mencari kebahagiaan. Sungguh aku rela menamatkan apa yang perlu ditamatkan. Biarlah kenangan bersama menjadi monumen ikatan. Jangan cemari ia dengan benci.

5. Rendang Tak Berbuah

I'm touched by the statement about barren (as in tak berbuah) and bare (telanjang). Is this song an attempt to bare all?

6. Bayangan

Lagu ni memang orang minat dari dulu. Bukan sekadar lirik. Bukan sekadar aura Aishah. Tapi lagu ini secara holistiknya begitu melekat di jiwa.

7. Gerimis Mengundang

Lagu Slam ni pulak memang memberi impak maksima tahap slam dunk. Meruntun habis. Tapi, setelah ribut berlalu, lagu ni jadi monumen kepada kenangan pahit yang terjadi dalam hidup.

8. Aku Cinta Kau Dan Dia

Lagu ni memang jatuh cinta kali pertama mendengarnya. Masa tu dalam kereta cousin. Dengar radio. Versi Adi Fashla. Ntah… ada sesuatu yang mendayu dalam getar suaranya.
