Sehingga melimpah ruah

Keep my mouth shut. That's what I tend to do. It's like a default setting for certain situations. It is also an Islamic virtue to keep hidden someone's shortcomings, specially those that can cause the person to be shamed. But, what if hiding the shortcomings causes you great pain; and the person continues to pile up the pain on you?

If the matter of concern is on obvious and plain mungkar, then it is quite easy how to approach it. We can change it using our action, words, or the least resist it internally. But, in some cases, the pain and suffering is not all that clear to the offending persons. The interpretation of their actions is lost on them. Or they innocently thought what they're doing is good and justifiable.

When the shortcomings does not affect my quality of life, then it is not my business. Bur when push comes to shove, I will have to defend myself. I'm sorry if my interpretation of things is not the same as yours. We can agree to disagree. But stop causing me pain.
