Perbualan tak perlu
The following is a YM conversation from this morning. I’ve changed the name of the person. Obviously, ‘her’ is not her real name. I’ve added my commentary in italics. Otherwise, the conversation has not been modified.
her: salam
me: salam
me: kat ofis ke?
her: a'ah
her: kt ofis
her: sir pon kt ofis ke?
me: yes
her: aha..
her: bru msk ek
me: a'ah
her: ooo..
her: sir keje pe kt sne?
[She knows that I’m doing PhD. So, she must be asking about my non-PhD work, right?]
me: kerja cleaner, part-time
her: tpu...!!!
her: ckp la btul2
her: keje pe?
her: nk tau jgk
[How should I respond to this as factually (i.e. without a hint of gedik) as possible?]
me: do youo think i was kidding?
her: cleaner? what do u mean by clener my dear sir?
[ok.. so here goes my description of what a cleaner does]
me: someone who cleans
her: what do you cleaning?
me: just like the makcik cleaning on campus
[is that description still unclear?]
her: then y do you hve ur ofis?
her: i mean y u r working in ofis?
me: kerja cleaner tu kerja part time
me: my full time work is doing PhD. I have an office for my PhD work
her: sy mcm x caye
her: hmm.. tp...
her: sy ni da lah cpat tertipu
her: hmm..
her: sy mmg x caye la
[okkkaaaaay… do you actually want me to answer your question? With Aznil Nawawi’s flair? With a Shah Rukh Khan’s playfulness? With sultry words to match that of Cassanova?]
her: sir mesti keje besar2
her: da lah bmw
her: xkn keje cleaner
[I see. So, your schema for someone who drives a BMW does not include a cleaner. That’s fair enough. Please broaden your schema to entertain this possibility. And which part of your schema allows a PhD student to ‘keje besar2?’ Do you know any full-time Malaysian PhD student working as a bank manager, accountant or architect?]
me: apa2 je la
her: xpe lah sir..x nak kongsi sir keje pe...
[Huh? I already told you! But you’re the one who denied my statement]
her: sy sje je nk tau
her: sir jgn la slh anggap pape ye
[Well, don’t I get to ‘anggap’ something after my factual statements are ignored?]
me: tak hilang bisa ular menyusur akar. I don't feel embarrassed telling people that I actually work as a cleaner.
[There. I’m restating my previous statement. If you still don’t want to believe it, I’m not spending any more effort to convince you.]
me: but, if you want to continue to play hide-and-seek... you go on your own. I'm not playing games
her: sy tnye je...
her: lau btul, ok...
her: ape slh nye sir trng kn..
[‘trng kn’? Was I not clear enough? Or is it the lack of playfulness that’s bothering you?]
her: xyah la mrh sy
her: k lah
her: thank you..
her: mule2 sy respect sir
[there it goes. Macam pernah kubaca je ayat ni. I think I know where it is heading, and where it came from.]
her: ingt kn sir dpt bg nshat yg bergune untk sy
[Oh my! I am extremely sorry to disappoint you. To make up for the disappointment, consider this post as an advice. In addition, was all the thing I said in previous conversations not ‘bergune’? And, to think of it, how does asking about my job would benefit you?]
her: sy mntak maaf la lau sir rse terganggu
[apology accepted]
her: sy mmg tade niat pape
[You’re making it worse. Setiap amalan itu dengan niat. Kalau tak de niat, masa sia-sia sajalah perbualan ni.]
her: cme sy anggap sir sbg org yg berilmu lbh dr sy
her: n boleh tlong ajar sy mcm2
her: tp xpe lah.. mgkn da wat sir slh fhm
her: thanks for everyting
[You’re welcome dear. You’ve given me one more thing to put on my blog.]
See also my previous post on what makes my blood boil. This kind of conversation is another thing that makes my blood boil.
sabo jer laa...
Maka si kawan-kawan akan terkejut dan dia rasa heroic kejap.
Well,i've been thru that before and i know how a person will eventually feel kembang sekejap when she/he managed to get the updates of someone yang hot stuffs.Lebih-lebih lagi yang jenis jual mahal n tak de perasaan like you.
Gila high skool kot...
sesabo jer laa..
by the way.. keje cleaner tu ok ape? I used to do that work too. takde harm pun.
Ash: #kita serupa....# Nasib baik cuaca UK ni sejuk.. cepat sket cool. hehehe
Nina: Thanks for that insight. Some students treat lecturers like celebrity, eh? Sian lecturers.. kena tahan gossip. "jual mahal n tak de perasaan like you". Moi? Dear Nina, I jual mahal dan sorok perasaan pada org tertentu je... not to all.
Yaya: Jom kerja cleaner kat UK nih. Ada 3 vacancy kat tempat saya kerja. Loaded woooo.. boleh beli BMW. Hehehe
In fact ada yg taruk your pic in their friendster/facebook/myspace profile.jangan tak tau!hahaha
Hence now you know why,kan? :)
susah hidup macam celeb ni.