I got tagged last week. Before doing this, I checked on http://dictionary.reference.com for the meaning of FACTS and QUIRKS. A fact is a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true. Meanwhile, a quirk refers to a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism. With these definition in mind, I decided to write in the following way: Facts about me refers to an objective truth, something that other people can observe and verify to be true. Quirks, on the other hand, are subjective truth, that is more fleeting than facts. In other words, quirks are a matter of opinion, whereas facts are, errrr, facts.


  1. List these rules on your blog.
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
  3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirk of yours.
  4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  5. Link the person who tagged you.
  6. Leave a comment for each blogger.


  1. Carrier of XY chromosomes
  2. Have an A+ blood type
  3. My ring finger is longer than my index finger
  4. Certified short-sighted by an optometrist.
  5. I am right handed.
  6. I have two functional legs.
  7. Marwan’s and my name both has two words and 10 letters each.


  1. I like watching Kyle XY because it relates to biopsychology. I would be a good ‘infotainment’ show for psychology students.
  2. My blood easily boils, especially when I have to entertain stupidity. My body language easily gives away my exasperation. However, I rarely fire verbal bullets to the offender. I tend to keep silent. And sometimes I scribble to let out the anger. Hey, I am also a silent scribller. Hehehe .
  3. I like rings, but I don’t wear a ring on my ring finger, nor on any other fingers. I’ve tried wearing rings, but after a while, I gave up. I’m not as persistent in wearing ring as Frodo is I NOT wearing the ring in Lord of the Ring. Does that ring a bell?
  4. I take pleasure in making plans, seeing long into the future. The planning gives me more pleasure than carrying out the actions.
  5. I don’t like Lefthanded that much. But I do like Nash as a solo artist. However, I only know one song from his solo career.
  6. I have two left legs. My body coordination is bad. I can’t dance gracefully. If somebody videotaped me dancing, I would not have the gut to see the recording. I have as much dancing grace as a stick of celery.


None. If anyone wants to voluntarily be tagged, please let me know, and I’ll add the relevant info in number 6.

5. TAGGER: Silent Scribbler


Awaiting volunteers in number 4. 
