Student - lecturer interaction

In a discussion with a friend yesterday, the issue of lecturer-student relationship was raised. My friend has the opinion that many students nowwadays do no have respect for their teachers and lecturers. While agreeing with him, I offered my own rough classification of student-lecturer interaction.

1) Some students, usually bright and have a sense of purpose, do respect their lecturers. Some even feel scared when they see their lecturers. They would come up and see their lecturer to solve or explore a concrete problem. For me, it would be most satisfying to help these students work out the problem. More often than not, I end up learning from them and the interaction.

2) Some students, usually average and can't be bothered to have a definite good niyyah for being in the university, are indifferent towards their lecturers. Neither respecting, nor disrespectful intentionally. However,  their indifference can irritate and annoy the lecturers. For example, their face draws a blank even when the lecturers is explaining a point. Their facial expression does not correlate at all with the interestingness of the point. It seems almost pointless to rouse these students' interest. It can be a real test of patience.

3) Then there are students who are deliberately disrespecful towards the lecturers. So far, alhamdulillah, there's not many that I encountered. And I seek Allah's protection from these group of people.   


Anonymous said…
wah... what type am I? I hope I berada d golongan yg respect my lecturer to the most.. hehe :)
salute to u sir.
Anonymous said…
huhu, saya dulu takut yg amat nak jumpa sir, tapi kena jumpa gak sbb tak paham nak buat assignment. Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dapat high marks for that assignment, and good grade for the course too..thank you so much sir, ingat nak jumpa sir masa konvo, tapi sir pulak xde :( may God bless you!
Anonymous said…
hanya jauhari mengenal manikam; tapi tuan punya badan lebih tahu tentang dirinya sendiri.

ex-student: .... and the moral of the story is 'Respect the one who teach you', kan?
Anonymous said…
yup, thank you so much sir, jasamu dikenang :)