Reading for leisure

These are three graphic novel that I read during last weekend. Each comes from a different comic genre. Pride of Baghdad is based on a true story that unfold during the US-led invasion of Iraq. Four lions escaped from the zoo, only to be killed by the same force that set them free from the zoo. Perhaps it's an analogy for the Iraqis.... they managed to escape from Saddam, but then fell into the hands of the Americans.

The second graphic novel (It's a bird) took Superman to a very personal level. The main character (perhaps it is semi-autobiographical) clearly had a personal issues projected towards Superman. Just as kryptonite cripple Superman, the character in this story is being crippled by the possibility of inheriting Huntington's disease.

The third comic is a standard fantasy comic with beasts, flying creatures, ancient maps, and the whole malarkey (hehehe... can't resist using this new word that I've learned). Not as engaging as It's A Bird, but it has some dark quirky humour in its allusion to other celebrity characters like Batman, Riddler, Princess Diana, Superman, etc. Or, may be the writer simply ran oout of ideas.


Ri said…

i wanted to buy pride but was not sure whether it'd be worth it. now with pak lang's stamp of approval, i'll surely go get it...bila gaji masuk that is :P
Anonymous said…
ooo... kat KL pun ada jual Pride of Baghdad? Ingatkan kena censored...