Apa pensyarah buat di universiti?

Semalam ada pertemuan antara ahli Kuliah IRKHS dengan University Management Committee. Antara perkara yang dibangkitkan termasuklah KPI Kulliyyah, pengiktirafan untuk jurnal berbahasa Arab, masalah kemudahan dan fasiliti (termasuk pencerobohan monyet), pembiyaaan penyelidikan, dan isu cascading KPI.

Here's my reflection of the session
1. Passing the responsibilities
Ministry to universities: don't expect the ministry to fully support your operational budget.
University to faculties: don't expect the university to provide the whole budget for your operation.
Q1. Whom did the ministry listened to?
Q2. What will the faculties tell to the academic staff?

2. Graduate employability

Why is graduate employability a KPI of the Ministry of Education? And cascaded down to the Vice Chancellors, Deans and Head of Department?
- this is not an accusatory question. This is a question to facilitate my own divergent thinking.

3. KPI on graduate employability

Why was 80% chosen as the minimum employability for the Kulliyyah? Where did this number come from. What is the base line.

Out of all of these issue, I am asking myself, apa sebenarnya yang pensyarah perlu buat di universiti?
