Shopping phrases

During the recent shopping trip to Swindon and London, several phrases were uttered quite frequently that they became sort of private jokes. On such phrase is, "shopping macam tak ingat akhirat."

That phrase is targeted to both the shoppers that I saw, and most important to myself. I saw people in droves 'taking advantage' of the sales to rack up armfuls of shopping items. As for myself, at the end of the Swindon trip, I realised that I've met about 60% of my target expenditure. The thing was, I made a list of items to buy, but I bought things that are NOT in the list. I hope none of the items that I bought are wasteful. Some of them are for folks at home. Some are for health improvements. And I'll admit that some of them are for ego boosts (like the Gucci EDT from Harrods). See, I did a name dropping just to boost my ego. *evil grin*

One thing that I finaly managed to buy was a pair of leather shoes from Clarks. I've been looking at Mansfield, Loughborough, Swindon, Chester, and so on for a pair that suits me. Finally I found one at Oxford Street. The pair feels comfortable, not too snug at its widest opening. The styling does not meet my expectation 100%, but it was a trade off that I was willing to make. Silently, I said - another shopping phrase - to myself, "ambik je lah".


nurulshima said…
clark shoes mmg comfy sgt la sir.. anyways, happy new year..
happy new year to you too. Nanti nak try power Clarks kat conference in London in April