Just for fun

Disclaimer: Not for stereotyping, being racist or anything. This is just a play on words that happens to refer to nations and nationalities.

Heard at a talk in Sabah: Do you know what happen when a Bruneian and a Dusun got married? They get a B(e)rudu.

That's the original. And here's my own list.

Yahudi + Hindu + Komunis = yahoo.com

Scotland + Denmark = Skodeng

Jerman + UK = Jeruk

Bangladesh + Angola = Bangang

Serbia + Senegal = Sengal

Kazakhstan + Pakistan = Kapak

Solomon Island + Somalia = So so

Afghanistan + Burundi = AFUndi

Melayu + Luxumberg

Korean + Texan = Kotex

Apachee + Panama = Apa Nama

Namibia + Egypt = Najib
Najib + Mongolia = (result pending verification from court proceedings)

Togo + Tonga = Toto

Tajikistan + Tanzania = Tata

China + Sri Lanka = Chilaka
Chilaka + Sulu = Chilaka Lu

And finally, when the B(e)rudu grows up, he will show neither the Bruneian and Dusun parantage. Instead, he will manifest characteristics of Kadazan and Batak .


ukanera arenaku said…
pakalang, what's the result of Melayu + Luxumberg?
Anonymous said…
ooopsss... lupa nak delete. Tak jumpa result. heheheh
Anonymous said…
sir, nnti bleh saya guna kat kelas pulak ye :)(izin tak ni?)

Sir, u ni ada sense of humour, and u know what, everytime u buat lawak kat kelas u akan buat dek jer, macam xder ape2..susah nak tengok u senyum..
Anonymous said…
cam ne nak bagi izin kat 'anonymus'? Tak sempurna akadnya nanti.