
Selepas berhempas pulas, dan dua kunjungan ke pejabat LHDN Wangsa Maju, akhirnya e-filing disiapkan. The experience using e-filing was not all that sweet and satisfying. 1) Phone calls to get the PIN were futile. As the line was 'sangat sibuk', my calls were automatically and immediately disconnected. What, no 'terima kasih' for trying?2) Trying to get the digital signature was another hassle. I couldn't register my password for the signature. Apparently, it was due to ActiveX control setting. I've tried, at two different computers. And the 'Hlep' functions was not helpful at all. I was supposed to click a 'kotak kuning' to download the ActiveX control. But there was no 'kotak kuning' to be found on my screen. Windows that were supposed to open did not materialised. The online Help was not relevant to my problem. Perhaps the author of the Help did not predict this problem. (Hey.. did you guys conducted any user study before you launch this system?)3) The interface for accessing the Borang E was equally confusing. The terms used for 'password' doesn't have much resemblence to it. If I were doing it on my own, and not prompted by the nice LHDN lady, I'd probably typed the wrong thing in the password box. The choice of word was so bad that I could not remember the words. So, the human touch is the much needed oil for this 'online' machinery to work. I hope LHDN will employ an HCI expert to remove kinks and problems in the system. Then they can proudly and rightly claim that the system is easy to use.


nao said…
pengalaman pertama selalunya meninggalkan kesan yg...Fuuuuu Yoooooooooooooo or &*(*&&**^^%

alhamdulillah & tahniah kerna berjaya menyudahkan sebelum tarikh akhir..:)
Anonymous said…
hehe... in my case, it was more like &*(*&&**^^% :-). But, as yuou said, I'm happy to have done it before the deadline.