3 things to be thankful for

And please remind me to say alhamdulillah again.

(1) My article, co-written with Jumina Kimin (former student), is published in Jurnal Kinabalu. I got a copy of the journal today. The title of the article is: An exploratory study on emotional intelligence: A comparison between university students and student leaders.

(2) The research (sub)team that I lead managed to generate the required number of items for the Religiosity Scale we're developing. I'll type the items and refine with the team members - over pizza, hopefully - next Tuesday.

(3) During the research meeting just now, after achieving the targets, I was told that we will be getting honorarium soon. I know that we will get it, but I was surprised at the amount. Didn't think it will be that much. And it's going to be the first of a few installments!

So, please remind me to say alhamdulillah when I receive the rewards for my effort.


nao said…
alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah...:)
Anonymous said…
alhamdulillah , amin
Anonymous said…
tiam kasih.Sama-samalah memperbanyakkan syukur dalam perkataan dan perbuatan.